Nick Hirannet
#7 Captain of the MLU's Philadelphia Spinners, #7 Patrol (Club)
Nick Hirannet began his career in ultimate when he got involved in pick up games at Haverford High School. At the time, the school didn't have a team and they barely knew the rules, but ultimate had started to peak his interest.
His brother introduced him to his first organized ultimate game the summer of his junior year, signing him up for the Philadelphia Area Disc Alliance (PADA) Summer League. In his first game in the league, his captain had laid out for a disc four feet high, his body completely horizontal.
"That was the moment when I realized this game is no joke, and that I'd be playing it for a very long time"
- Nick Hirannet
Since then, Hirannet has been to college and club nationals nine times and has been playing professional ultimate with the Philadelphia Spinners for the past four years since the team's conception, serving each year as captain of the elite team.
Q & A:
Q: What was your first impression when you first saw ultimate frisbee in your life?
A: The first time I saw people playing ultimate it just seemed like a fun sport. The rules were easy to pick up on and you didn't need any equipment really, just a disc. I think those are things that are really appealing about ultimate.
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